Saturday, October 22, 2005

Holiday Madness and Freedom of Speech

It seems that according to the first amendment, that Congress cannot make a law limiting freedom of speech, or establishing a particular church as an official national church.

But the courts in their various decisions have gone in the direction of separating church and state to the degree that traditional simple expressions of religious sentiment cannot be followed through on because somebody will get insulted.

Some people need to get a life. If they go around getting insulted and are super sensitized to being insulted on the basis of a simple expression of religion like Merry Christmas on the Town Hall lawn, they need counseling. I am tired of seeing substitute secular holidays, like those they had in Soviet Russia. Now I'M insulted.

That said, the only way to really get around this is to have another amendment to the constitution that allows for these things.

Here is my offering:

Congress shall make no law regarding the establishment of religion. Free speech in the expression of religious ideals, and the acknowledge of religious holidays shall be permitted in government, and their use in and on government buildings, on currency, in official and unofficial speech, in schools, and in other public displays, shall be permitted as prescribed by Congress, and by the various states, counties, cities, towns, and other similar districts, each for their own natural jurisdiction.

Needs some work, but basically, the intention is that you can have "In God We Trust" on the coins, have Christmas Displays on the town commons if they feel like it, have a chaplain lead a prayer at a baseball game, etc. and people who freak and get insulted by this can get a life mail ordered to themselves from the penguins in antartica.

All I am looking for is a common sense addition to the constitution that will help sort this out, so that local communities can do this without needing an act of Congress to get permission to do something.


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