Saturday, December 30, 2006

Fun with 2012 and the Pleiades

I have recently added this to Wikipedia. Let's see how it survives the editing process.


Several authors have predicted a special astrological/astronomical alignment between the Galactic center in the constellation (not the sign!) of Sagittarius, the Winter Solstice point, and the constellation of the Pleiades in the year 2012] The predicted alignments are conjuctions (close to 0 degrees separation) and opposition (180 degrees separation)

While of no scientific significance, several details are worth noting for purposes of occasional discussion if scientists are asked about the event.

Factually, the coincidence by conjuction of the Winter Solstice point (due to the precession of the Equinoxes) and the galactic center is basically true. However, the predicted opposition of the Pleiades is not true.

The source of this confusion seems to be in misunderstanding the Precession of the Equinoxes, a phenomena which has resulted in the astrological signs beings out of synch with the corresponding constellations by about 30 degrees.

The Pleiades are located in the constellation (not the sign!) of Taurus, and currently lie at an angle of about 150 degrees to the Galactic Center. The Pleides would have to to be located in the constellation (not the sign) of Gemini to be close to being in opposition (a 180 degree angle). (The angle of 150 degrees is low in astrological significance.)

Further, the proper motion of the stars in the Pleiades Cluster is such that they moving across the sky relative to Earth. This takes place quite slowly as seen on the human time scale. Three million years ago the Pleiades were seen near the constellation of Cassiopeia. Three million years in the future, they will appear near the feet of Orion.

This is easily validated using programs such as the freeware ''Move A Star'' [at ], which allows one to observe the proper motion of many bright stars over an extended period of time.

The Pleiades have never been, and never will be, in 'opposition' to the galactic center as seen from Earth.